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HEADLINE: What if you were responsible for remembering everything that an Alzheimer’s patient forgot?
COPY: Make dad’s breakfast.
Install non-skid mats in tub.
Cut up food into pieces.
Help dad take a bath.
Help dad get out of of bed.
Look for skin problems.
Help dad into bathrobe.
Watch for sores in mouth.
Collect dad’s dirty clothes.
Shave dad’s beard.
Wash dad’s laundry.
Comb dad’s hair.
Tell dad what day it is.
Help dad get up stairs.
Keep dad from wandering.
Answer dad’s questions.
Help dad eat his breakfast.
Help him put on pants.
Find dad a clean shirt.
Put dad’s socks on for him.
Sew buttons on dad’s shirt.
Help dad put on his shoes.
Help dad button his shirt.
Tie dad’s shoes.
Grind up dad’s medicine.
Help dad get down stairs.
Give dad his medication.
Help dad into his coat.
Wait while he swallows it.
Put gloves on dad.
Dry dad’s laundry.
Attach ID bracelet for dad.
COPY CONTINUED: It’s overwhelming. And sadly, it’s a way of life for many of Alzheimer’s “second” victims: The caretakers.
They’re usually women. Sometimes raising kids of their own while struggling to care for an aging parent with Alzheimer’s disease.
The Alzheimer’s Association of Puget Sound can help. With support groups, referrals and peer support, to name only a few.
If you or someone you know needs assistance, call 1-800-848-7097. It’s one task that could ease the burden of all the others.
SPONSOR: Alzheimer’s Association of Puget Sound